Publications for Sale

‘What’s in a West Berkshire Wood?’


Our woods have always been there! But have they?  

   Dick’s new book takes us back to the Ice Age and explains where trees, plants and animals - including humans – survived and how they spread back to Britain. He then tells how they developed, how they were used by the communities around them and how to spot the signs of this use in our modern woods.

   Finally he suggests ways of ‘really getting to know’ a wood.     



Available from Dick direct on

01635 201386 or via:  


£6.00 + £2.00 postage and packing.

Yattendon for Visitors



This new issue covers the environment and the history of the Yattendon area from the earliest times to the present day. A must for visitors to the area.

Order details:


To order copies of the book, email your request to and an invoice will be sent with the book.

£3.50 plus P+P £2.00.

Barn Owls in West Berkshire



John Dellow’s informative look at Barn Owls in West Berksire.

To order copies of the book, email your request to and an invoice will be sent with the book.

£2.00 plus P+P £1.

Copyright © West Berkshire Countryside Society 2025